The GlitchBob themed mood icons used on this page were created by Kim McFarland!
April 24th
Current mood:Loved <G>
I've been kinda busy, so updates got delayed... sorry about that. In order to make up for it, I've done a major update this time round. I've finally gotten the entirety (I think) of Corrinthia's Plan A.v.A. up (eleven parts at last count); also two new profiles, Traia, by Tyrin, and Dave, by Roeboot. There's also a one-part fanfic up; 'End Transmission', by Alryssa, set in Turing System.
Other than that, I've just been reuploading files to make them Opera-friendly. Oh, and uh... I found out I won Best New Site in the 2003 URA's! <falls over> Wow! Thanks, you guys! I didn't think this place was so popular! Thanks to all who voted, and congrats to everyone who got an award. The competition's tough!
January 23rd
Current mood:Hyper!
Gee, I guess I must be on a roll.... three more profiles added, since I needed to clear my backlog: SappHIre Siren, Electra , and Sora AndrAIa Matrix.
January 22nd
Current mood:Shocked!
Hey! Who went and changed the years on me while my back was turned?! HUH? Geez. Well.... I got three more parts of 'Plan A.v.A.' up online. Uh. Been kinda busy of late, so nothing else really, but the Unofficial ReBoot Award nominations are under way, so get your nominations for the sites and fanfics you think deserve to be recognized in before January 31st!
December 31st
Current mood:Sick
Fending off a cold at present - I think I'm winning against this virus, at least! Let's see - another chapter of 'Plan A.v.A.' is up, and I've added 'Turning Point' and a short ficlet, 'Dress Sense' to the archives; both by Alryssa and featuring Robin and Adena respectively; plus some new character profiles - Colon Me'han, and Midi. Catching up, slowly but surely.... and that's my last update for this year - Happy 2003 all!
December 10th
Current mood:Exhausted....
2 months in coming, but another update, finally.... I've just been real busy lately. (The system doesn't take care of itself, y'know). Added the first chapter of Plan A.v.A. by Corrinthia Breuckner to the fiction archive, along with its title graphic. Also added a new profile, Jareth to the database. Added a link to an RPG site, Babbit's ReBoot Island on the Portals page. I got a backlog of things to work on, guys, so bear with me. I'll get to 'em when I can.
October 8th
Current mood:Caffeinated!
Bit of a major update this week. First up: a revised profile for Adena from Threnody. These things are not inflexible, guys - feel free to email any revisions as needed. Just so you know. Also, I've made tweaks to profiles that I spotted spelling mistakes in and added fic links to those that required them.
Added a picture of Dennis by Timesprite to his profile (long overdue - sorry about that, Timesprite). Added icons by VaCKo for the Meta-Virus and Kura to the database.
On the fiction front, I've added 'Adventures In Bobbysitting' by VaCKo, featuring Val; and 'Night Magic', featuring Adena, written by Alryssa.
September 27th
Current mood:Insane
Uh, yeah. This time, added two new profiles to the database - The Meta-Virus, created by Jay 2K Winger, and Kura, by Kura. On the fiction front, there's 'Inner Demons, Part 2' by Timesprite & Alryssa, set in Turing System. Also added: 'Just Rewards' by Threnody, who made an addition to Adena's profile.
September 5th
Current mood:Panicked!
Yikes, has it really been that long since my last update? Whoops. Well, nothing major this time round - Val sent me updated fictive icons to replace the old ones, as well as a new picture of her character, by Kerry. Also a new picture of Alryssa's character, Robin, rendered in CGI, by DkPhoenix and herself. A bigger update to come when I've got time to HTML (and feedback) a bunch of fic that's landed in my lap. Oh, and just as a side note to someone who sent me something recently - if you can't spell 'cool' (cule?!), you shouldn't be allowed to write fanfic. Good grief. I'm not touching that profile with a bargepole - never mind the incredibly blatant plagiarism from a copyrighted film.
June 26th
Current mood:Eep!
Two more profiles added, since I realised it's been almost 10 days since my last update - eep! - Belinda 'Billie' Disc (Vickie, the feminine form of Billy is Billie... hence the correction), and Cat.
June 17th
Current mood:Happy! <G>
A bit of a larger update/overhaul. More icons addded to the database page, namely Perl, Chip and Dennis. I've had to rearrange the format of the page to line them up properly, and it looks a lot better as a result. Also updated: the character submission page, and uploaded images of Chip Relay and Max by Roeboot (Seems .tiff files are a bit of a pain to convert, which explains why it's taken me so long to figure it out. Sorry, Roe!), and a picture of Adena by Alryssa. Any other changes have been minor tweaks like link colors, and I removed some of the clutter from this page by removing older entries. Phew.
June 12th
Current mood:Dizzy!
Small update, while I'm trying to get 6 other things done at once (yes, I take after my namesake in more ways than one). Added the promised icons by VaCKo - four so far - to the Database page. Based on the originals by Kim, they've gone over very well with the authors. Also added another fic, a short one this time; 'Breakdown' by Alryssa. Authors like feedback, people. Even if it's just so they know someone read it.
I think this Top 50 ReBoot sites thing is broken, at least it was when I last checked. It was telling me I didn't exist. Humbug! If that's changed, let me know. And, uh.... that's all for now. Thanks to VaCKo again!
June 4th
Current mood:Touched!
Update time again. Added more fic, this time, specifically Alryssa's 'The Mourning After'. VaCKo is being a busy little bee - you'll see the results of that pretty soon, and I have to say I'm really touched by her hard work for me. Makes me feel all warm and tingly.... or did I just spill my java again?
I have also joined this 'Top 50 ReBoot sites' thing, so if you like what I'm doing, vote for me and make me feel special. Go on. You know you want to. And - oh! Hey! My counter's passed the 500 visitors mark! That's pretty awesome. Off to collapse now. <G>
May 30th
Current mood:Hot
Added another profile to the database: VaCKo's Val, along with accompanying artwork. It's a pleasure to HTML stuff that doesn't need spelling/grammar corrections! Also joined JuliaCat's banner exchange, on the index page. Yes, I have a banner.
May 24th
Current mood:Hyper!
Added Timesprite's 8-part story, "A Shot In The Dark." Highly enjoyable, and a very good example of how to introduce new characters without being overbearing about it. It's a good story for the Matrix/AndrAIa fans among you. I am also contemplating adding a 'Mainframe Jargon' section. Nothing like a handy glossary of ReBoot phrases!
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