Webmaster's Note: I don't as a rule list pets - but the author, Roeboot, wants to make it clear that the concept of cyberstallions is a free idea for all writers to use, and I found the idea interesting. Thus, Max qualifies in my opinion,
since he's less of a pet and more a working partner, as you can see in his profile.
Character created by: Roeboot
Name: Maximillian (Max for short)
Format: Cyberstallion
Apparent chronological age: 12
Gender: Male
Relatives: Unknown
Physical appearance: Copper coat, straw yellow hair, brown eyes.
Origins/Background: Maximillian has been Chip Relay's one and only cyberstallion since he returned to Freespace after graduating from the Academy. The horse was bred to work with a Guardian and doesn't scare easily. The cyberstallion respects Chip and acts more like a dog than a horse.
When?: Season 3Personality: Maximillian can be very moody and stubborn when tired. He can be cheered up with a scratch behind the ears or an energy cube. Max is fiercely loyal to Chip and anyone the Guardian is friends with and will protect them from harm.
Skills: He's a horse. He's very good at it, too :)
Weaknesses/Bad Habits: Max is startled by game cubes and hates to go near them, much to Chip's dismay. He likes to annoy Arthur, Outpost Omega's administrator under the
Likes: Harmonica music, energy cubes, giving little children rides, playing pranks on Chip.
Dislikes: Game cubes, Chip sleeping on the job, being called Maximillian!
Cast relationships:Max has only met Mouse and Ray Tracer. He adores Mouse, since she always gave him energy cubes. In return he would protect her, even from Ray!
Fics featuring this character: 'Hunters and Prey'
Is author willing to 'loan out' character to other writers?: Everyone is free to use cyberstallions in their fic. I already gave permission to another author a long time ago. Maximillian must be with Chip Relay, so both characters have to be discussed for use. E-mail me.
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