Character created by: Timesprite
Name: Dennis
Format: Command.Com
Apparent chronological age: Late 20's
Gender: Male
Relatives: Twin sister, Johanna (deceased)
Physical appearance: Yellow skin, pale blue hair/eyes, medium height/build
Origins/Background: Dennis is the Command.Com of Turing, a small system cut off from the net, and laid waste by viruses. He took over the system with his sister after the old Command.Com was killed, and has been keeping the system running with the help of a few remaining sprites and his significant other, the brash and often abrasive Perl, since his sister's death. He first appears in 'A Shot in the Dark'.
When?: Seasons Three and Four (non-canon)
Personality: Generally easy-going, though very work-focused. He cares greatly for those around him and often takes on more responsibility than he can handle in an attempt to help those he cares about most.
Skills: Dennis has a variety of technical skills--after all, as the Command.Com, who would know the system better? But his biggest asset is his people skills. A peacemaker, he often finds ways to see the good in the worst of situations - which makes his failure to help his sister hurt all the more.
Weaknesses/Bad Habits: He sometimes cares too much, and gives too much of himself away. He tends toward workaholism, which often alienates his girlfriend, Perl.
Likes: Order, making others feel better, putting wrong situations right again.
Dislikes: Things that are out of his control, being left out, feeling that he has failed.
Cast relationships: Dennis has met Bob, Ray, and Mouse only briefly, not long enough to form any real relationships. He got to know Matrix and AndrAIa while the two were stranded in Turing, and true to his easy-going nature, got along well with them.
Fics featuring this character:
'A Shot in the Dark'; 'The Kali Effect'; 'Inner Demons, Pt 2' (co-written with Alryssa); 'End Transmission' by Alryssa (briefly)Is the author willing to 'loan out' this character to other writers?:
If contacted and discussed. E-mail me.
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