
Character created by: Roeboot

Name: Dave

Format: Sprite

Apparent chronological age: 21

Gender: Male

Relatives: Jon (father - deceased), Crystal (mother -deceased), Bob (brother), Randolph (adopted father), Nana (adopted mother)

Physical appearance:Dave has silver hair, cropped in short curls with long bangs framing his face, blue skin, and grey eyes. Is average build but two inches shorter than Bob. He wears the clothes of a pirate. He has a brown, leathery vest covering a creamy short sleeve shirt, khaki-colored pants and mocassin stitched boots. He has a gauntlet on his right hand made of both metal and leather. Also has a pirate coat given to him by a virus named Bane.

Origins/Background: Bob's parents were Game Chasers studying games for the Guardians and were lost in a game cube much the same way Matrix and AndrAIa were; except it was caused by something called Operation Duck Blind, a cloaking devise used to study the sprites in the games. Somehow the game didn't recognize Jon and Crystal as not being game sprites. They were pulled out of the Super Computer when the game ended and landed in a portless system called Thrusby. With no Net ports, Jon began working with Command.Com Randolph on a way to build a Gateway command so they could get home to Bob.

During that time, Jon and Crystal had another son named Dave. In a tragic twist, Jon and Crystal were deleted in a game cube, leaving Dave an orphan to be raised by Randolph and his wife, Nana. Dave grew up a bit of a wild child, (sort of a cross between Jim Hawkins of Treasure Planet and Tidus from Final Fantasy X). He learns from his father's logs that he had a brother but becomes bitter when he believes his parents loved Bob more them him.

After hours of trying to get the gateway to work, Randolph succeeded right at the time Daemon infected the Guardian Collective. The hostile Guardians attacked Dave thinking he was Bob. Dave suffered a severe injury to his right hand in the fight. Randolph grafted circuit components to Dave's hand to repair the damage. Those circuits linked him to a sword Randolph made for him, allowing him to mentally control the weapon.

After destroying the invading Guardians, Thrusby used Jon's cloaking technology to hide the system but it drained the core to a critical level. Dave uses the Gateway to venture from Thrusby to earn credits for helping the crippled system. Dave hooked up with a pirate ship called the Ironside run by an adventurous virus named Bane to earn money. Dave winds up in Mainframe on purpose and hopes to take out some form of revenge on Bob. However, getting to know Bob and his friends melts away his hardness. Torn between Bob and his adopted family, Dave decides on working as part of the crew of the Saucy Mare so he can travel between Thrusby and Mainframe, calling both ports home.

When?: After season 4

Personality: Dave is quite the free spirit. He speaks his mind when he wants to and is quite a daredevil. Dave is ready to jump into anything, whether is playing jet ball or a fist fight with a bunch of unruly binomes. He is generally charming, especially around the ladies. Dave has a soft soft for other people down on their luck or who have suffered some kind of loss in life.

Skills: Dave is very well trained in sword fighting. His sword Blade can be used as one weapon, or can be split into two thinner swords for added combat. Blade can also absorb energy from weapons fired at it and firing the energy back. If knocked from his hand, Dave can will the sword back to himself, although he can't mentally control the sword's every move. His glove Gauntlet is also keyed into his circuitry. The glove can act like a third hand, crawling around like a bug to retrieve devises or hitting an opponent when needed.

Weaknesses/Bad Habits: Dave is terrified of games and would do anything to avoid playing them. He can have a very bad temper when someone pushes the right buttons. As much as he loves Bob, he tests his brother's patience with his independence. Dave's tendency to open his mouth before he thinks can get him in serious trouble. Dave likes to get in over his head, even if he's not sure he can get out of it (His version of acting on the fly).

Likes: AndrAIa and Mouse (that gets him into trouble), doing zipboard stunts, sailboarding, playing practical jokes, sailing the open energy seas.

Dislikes: Game cubes, mean viruses, mopping the deck of the Mare, being told he's wrong.

Catchphrases: "Log out!" "Crash that!"

Cast relationships

  • Bob: Dave loves Bob but has a hard time showing it. Dave thinks that showing any type of emotional attachment for Bob will ruin his 'rep'. Dave compensates for it by getting into trouble, which leads to Bob and Dot having many heated arguments. Bob understands it's Dave's way of showing he wants Bob's attention and guidance. They are always quick to make up and get an energy shake at Al's, since Cecil hates serving either of them.

  • Dot: Dave thinks of Dot as a sister, because when Dave causes problems in Mainframe, Dot is quick to discipline him. They share the common pain of having betrayed Bob and it makes it easy for them to be open with each other.

  • Phong: Dave will seek the old sprite out for advice all the time but doesn't want the others to know it. Dave thinks it's the best way to help his restless spirit and Phong will always listen to Dave, even if the younger sprite's point of view is wrong.

  • Enzo: Dave treats the younger as his little brother. He calls him 'kid' most of the time and enjoys playing with him whenever they get the chance. Enzo is usually a party to Dave's mischief.

  • Hack and Slash: Dave things of them as a perfect waste of good sheet metal although they are easy to play jokes on.

  • Matrix: Matrix is impressed by Dave's ability to take care of himself, but will usually be hard on him during game sessions, which causes Dave and Matrix to lock horns more then they like to. Dave is always trying to get Matrix to lighten up with a few jokes, but it always seems to backfire. Dave will admit he likes Matrix, but not in front of him.

  • AndrAIa: AndrAIa adores Dave's jovial nature and constant charm. Dave has a constant crush on AndrAIa, which is dangerous for his health. AndrAIa makes sure to keep him at arm's length to keep the peace.

  • Mouse: Mouse sees Dave as a friendly opponent for a good spar. Dave thinks it's Mouse's way of flirting with him and he will constantly accommodate her for a good sword fight. Mouse enjoys to reminisce with Dave about the Bob she knew in the Super Computer, which can be embarrassing. Dave is attracted to Mouse because of her reckless past and it makes them quite close friends.

  • Ray: Surfr is a source of fascination for Dave. It puffs up Ray's ego to have Dave ask him about the Web and his desires to go there. Dave rolls his eyes at Ray's constant warnings about not being too friendly with either AndrAIa or Mouse. Dave knows it's a case of jealousy, but they have no hard feelings.

  • The crew of the Saucy Mare: Dave considers Captain Capacitor another father figure and highly respects him since he saved Dave's life. But once off ship, Dave and the crew attract trouble, mostly because Dave doesn't like to back away from a fight. Dave cares for the Mare as if he partly owns the ship and will do anything to help keep her in ship shape.

  • Megabyte: Dave hates the way he was used by Megabyte and hopes that if the virus turns up again, to teach him a lesson. Megabyte would enjoy the challenge of deleting Dave as part of his revenge on Bob.

Fics featuring this character: 'A Matter of Trust'; 'After the Matter'

Is author willing to 'loan out' character to other writers?: Yes

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