Character created by: Threnody (art, right, by Alryssa)
Name: Adena Maren [insert Bob's last name, whatever it is, here]
Format: Sprite
Apparent chronological age: About 4 years old, however that translates.
Gender: Female
Relatives: Parents: Bob and Dot; Uncles: Enzo/Matrix
Physical appearance: About 3'5", light blue skin, deep violet eyes. Long, silver (chrome, silicon, whatever) hair, slightly curly around the face and at the ends, but without bangs. Usually wears overalls and her hair pinned away from her face.
Origins/Background: If I have to tell you this, your parents did *not* do their job right. ;) Okay, okay. Um... I'm afraid there's not much background to a little kid. A background for her birth? Things have calmed down a bit... not quite an age of unparalleled peace, but no Net-wide crises, either. Bob and Dot have been 'together' a bit (but not married… I stress this because people assume), and 'Dena just kind of... happened. Can we say "whoops"?
When?: Some vague number of the ReBoot equivalent to years in the future. I think of it as about 7-8 years ahead.
Personality: She's smart, observant, impatient, a bit spoiled, very stubborn. The world revolves around her, which isn't very surprising for a small child. She processes things in how they will affect her life. Can be extremely manipulative. When she wants something, she'll beg borrow or steal to get it. She will play the relations off on each other and turn on the waterworks if caught, swearing she'll never do it again (then turning around and doing it again, of course). Has a habit of helping herself to items she desires. Bob and Dot are trying to stress that people don't always get what they want, but it's a slow lesson to learn. Adena is also very sweet and affectionate, liberal with the bear hugs and messy kisses. She can be selfless when the mood strikes, making an effort to comfort people when they're down. She hasn't got it all together yet, but she's starting to understand what it takes to get along in the world. In short, finkish - but loveable.
Skills: Does wrapping people around her pinkie count? She likes helping people find things they've lost - her little fingers fit into places most big people fingers can't get to. She can jump rope without tripping (much), and dresses herself every day. She also colors a mean picture.
Weaknesses/Bad Habits: Will do morally iffy things for her own benefit, without regard for other peoples' property or feelings. But it's more that she hasn't gotten it into her head yet that these things are wrong. She forgets to pick up her toys, likes to listen in on other peoples' conversations, says things she shouldn't ("But I though you said she had two faces?"), often disobeys her parents if it looks like she's going to be missing out on something fun. And she's very ticklish.
Likes: Lemo, a disgustingly popular fuzzy red binome puppet, "helping" with the dishes, playing with Frisket, spending time with Daddy, sneaking into Enzo's room, bossing the kids at daycare...
Dislikes: Getting caught, being ignored, bedtime, eating her greens, being told what to do all the time.
Cast relationships
A true Daddy's girl. They spend lots of time together, especially after hours, when Dot's still working. They wrestle and read books after supper, and sometimes he takes her down to the park if she's been good. He's most always patient with her, and she knows she's got him wrapped around her finger - but also knows there are lines she can't cross, and wouldn't want to anyway. Daddy gets more disappointed than angry, and making him sad is a Bad Thing. Bob is glad to be able to spend so much time with 'the baby', but worries about Dot and how much time she's spending at work. Not enough hours in the cycle. ;)
- Bob:
Dot: Dot is the parent who disciplines without having the luxury of fun time. Adena feels abandoned because work always seems to come ahead of her. She gets angry at her mother for not being there, and lately seems convinced she doesn't care at all... She's often DemonSpawn when her mother's around. Dot, on the other hand, is trying to manage work and home and still have some time to breathe, but it doesn't seem to be working very well. She knows she's missing out on her daughter's life, but is at a loss as to how to fix it without having to give something up.
Phong: To tell the truth, Adena's not quite sure what to make of Phong. On one hand, he's a very nice old sprite who gives her hot chocolate, but on the other he lives in a big scary place and is always saying things she doesn't understand. More so than most grown ups. :) She knows he's important but isn't quite sure why that is, so she's a bit wary of him. Phong, for his part, tries his best to make her feel comfortable, but he's never been around little sprites much...
Enzo: More of a sibling relationship than anything else. Enzo's quite a bit older than her, but there's the usual fighting over property and personal space. Could be described as a love-hate relationship. Mostly they enjoy each others' company, despite the squabbles. Enzo's been through the jealousy stage, the abandonment stage... now that's he's moving on (and doesn't live at home anymore!), it's easier for him to deal with her - like her, even! Besides, kids are a good chick magnet :P
Frisket: Loyal family pet! 'Dena's crazy about him. Frisket often doubles as a nanny in a pinch, keeping her occupied if whoever she's with gets called away (say, to a game) and there's a few nanos before someone else can get to her. He enjoys playing with her, but finds her a bit too energetic. Though 'Dena doesn't know it, Frisket's getting quite old...
Matrix: Totally oblivious to his discomfort, she likes to use him as a jungle gym. He always looks like he's afraid he'll break her, and is pretty cautious when she's in his care. He knows Dot wouldn't hesitate to smite him if something happened to her, and he's not very fond of the doghouse! He appreciates that she's either unaware or doesn't care about the image he tries to project, and he can act however he wants around her without a raised eyebrow. Besides being good climbing aparatus, he tells her things about fighting and what's out there in the net. The clandestine lessons are forbidden fruit, and 'Dena guards the secret well.
AndrAIa: Trusted confidante. Someone she can and does go to when she's feeling down and a bit angry because no one treats her like a 'big girl'. Sympathetic and soothing, AndrAIa smoothes ruffled feathers and gives her a bit of perspective from a grown-up's point of view.
Mouse: The only person who actually encourages Adena's 'survival' behaviour, which irritates Dot to no end. Good source of embarrassing stories about her father, and words she shouldn't be saying. Mouse likes to sugar the child up when she's in town, just because it amuses her to see her friends trying to control a hyperactive child.
Ray: The family friend who's always bringing back gifts from exotic places. He answers questions about things outside Mainframe, and takes her for (short, low flying) rides on his board. He's amiable and doesn't treat her like a baby. What's not to like?
Fics featuring this character: 'Just Rewards', 'Lullaby'; 'Gemini' [AU], 'Night Magic' and 'Dress Sense' by Alryssa.Is author willing to 'loan out' character to other writers?:
With a few conditions, sure.
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