
Cat by Melikochan Character created by: Melikochan

Name: Cat

Format: Sprite

Apparent chronological age: 14

Gender: Female

Relatives: She has a brother five years older than her named Lynx, while her older sister is Mouse. Both of her parents are still alive; her mother is Lark, and her father is Skitz. She has quite a large family, in fact. Her grandmother is the head of the household, because her grandfather died of old age.

Physical appearance: Cat is a little over average height for one her age, and is built along the same lines as Mouse. She pulls her glowing red/orange hair back into a high, pointy ponytail. Her eyes are a bright green color, and her skin is the same violet as Mouse's.

Origins/Background: Cat was born to the noble family Co'rel of the system of Datastream. At the age of 12, the "Melissa Virus," (My name's Melissa, if you want in on the joke) a class 6 control/conquer virus, was sent into her system through a portal from the SuperComputer. Sections of the system were quickly infected. Being in close proximity to the virus when it first entered the system, Cat was inadvertently sucked into the portal that it had generated, and arrived in the Super Computer, lost and alone. After a bit of wandering, she stumbled upon the Guardian Academy. This was about the time that Daemon first arrived. The Academy was the first hit, and Cat met Drive, an escaped Guardian cadet, who was just about a year younger than herself.

The two became fast friends, and Cat was able to persuade her to try to get her back to Datastream. For some reason, their portal attempt didn't work, and the two were instead sent to Mainframe during 'World Web Wars', while the ports were still open. The two found themselves in Lost Angles. They stayed there, barely avoiding deletion from the nulls numerous times, and eventually drifted into the city, becoming a part of the rougher section. They did not reveal themselves until after the events of season 4.

Cat, finding her older sister there, pleaded for Mouse to come back home and help, but she refused. She claimed that she was no longer part of the Co'rel Household, or a member of Datastream. She was needed in Mainframe. Cat then discovered that all ports into Datastream had been shut down and blocked with numerous firewalls. She had a bit of hacker training, but not enough to get through the firewalls, so she started taking lessons from Mouse. Eventually, a former friend from Datastream, Colon, arrived in Mainframe, also seeking Mouse's help. She once again refused, and Colon was forced to stay in Mainframe, where he became fast friends with Cat and Drive once more.

When Drive left in search of family and friends and to restore her cadetship, Cat figured that it was time for her to leave as well. She and Colon worked together to make a temporary rift in the firewalls, and they were able to enter their once grand city. More than half of it was in ruins. After the conclusion of the Virus War (as it was named afterwards), Drive showed up in her system. The system had learned that the Melissa Virus had been sent purposely from the Guardians, and they prepared once again to enter war and attack the Super Computer. When they were all ready to attack, the Guardians struck them first. Cat then learned that Drive had betrayed them all.

When?: After season 4.

Personality: Cat is quick-tempered, but very intelligent. She has Mouse's charm and cunning. She never gives up, and loves trouble. She is a born leader, and has earned the respect of many older than her. She always tries to take charge, and gets frustrated when older people resume the responsibility. She has trouble admitting that she's wrong, and is quick to lash out at others vocally. While she can seem quiet, almost shy at times, this appearance can be quickly changed to that of a proud, self-assured youth who likes to converse. (When something interests her, that is).

Skills: Her hacking skills improve as she studies with Mouse, but they pale in comparison to those taught only hacking from her home system. Her skills with her twin katanas outmatch all of her age group, and would be hard to match in even her own system. She trained while stuck in Mainframe with Drive. Unlike Mouse, she can use her katanas in many different styles. Mouse uses them in straight-out sword fighting, while Cat can attach them together and fight with them like they're swallows. She also knows forms of staff-fighting, and has been taught a few martial-arts tricks. She can also draw pretty well. Singing is one of her best skills, though.

Weaknesses/Bad Habits: Cat can seem a bit arrogant at times, and also has a tendency to bite her nails when nervous or bored. She also has a hard time keeping her hands completely still. She'll tap them on some surface, or play with a pencil, or just rotate her wrists. She also talks with her hands. She tends to get bad grades in Ancient Languages and Math - they confuse her!

Likes: Energy shakes, socializing with her friends. Hacking is another thing she enjoys learning, though she finds it rather frustrating. She likes dueling with Colon to test her ability with a sword, (he uses a longsword) and she feels best when leading. She and Drive like to pull pranks on their school friends. Cat is also a member of advanced chorus, and loves every minute of it!

Dislikes: Getting caught at tricks and pranks with Drive, Guardians (other than Bob and Drive), and being left out of things. Being excluded irks her. She also dislikes that a classmate of hers likes to stalk her.

Cast relationships

  • Bob: After seeing the friendship between Mouse and Bob, Cat starts to respect Bob and gets to know him better. She finds out that he's a really cool guy. She likes talking with him, and looks up to him as a warrior. He helps her learn that Guardians aren't all bad. Cat's content to just hang out and listen to what he has to say, and Bob takes a liking to her.

  • Dot: She finds Dot very closed and controlling, which kind of bugs her, but she thinks that Dot is okay. She hides her annoyance, and learns to put up with Dot. She also looks up to her once her competence as the shows, but tries not to be around her much. As with Bob, she's usually quiet when Dot is around.

  • Enzo: Enzo's an annoying little pain-in-the-bitmap to her at first, who takes in way too much sugar. As he tries to fit in with them more, though, she comes to like the little hyper boy. Eventually he is accepted into her 'clique' and they become fast friends.

  • Frisket: Despite her name, Cat likes Frisket a lot. She isn't around him that much until Enzo joins them, but she thinks he's a "good dog." Frisket defends her as he does Enzo, and becomes a member of Cat's group along with Enzo. It's common to see the group and Frisket sitting around at the Diner.

  • Matrix: She finds Matrix to be a gruff, mean guy, and doesn't like him that much. She can get along with him, but not very well. Not much interaction goes on between these two when it can be helped. There is constant friction between the two, and they bicker like two year-olds when around each other. She often makes comments around him that could point to one of his faults, and it annoys him like hell. He's pulled out his gun on her quite a few times, which amuses Cat to no end.

  • AndrAIa: Cat thinks that AndrAIa is beautiful, intelligent, and takes her in almost as a role-model. She likes spending time with her, as well, even if it means being around Matrix. She doesn't see how AndrAIa could ever like him. She keeps her comments to herself, though, because she knows that it would seem rude to express them. She likes spending time with her, even if it means being around Matrix. AndrAIa doesn't approve of Matrix's and Cat's behaviour when they are around each other.

  • Mouse: Cat had always respected, looked up to, and loved her older sister. She was everything that Cat wanted to become, but isn't at ease with her. There is much friction between the two because of their different views about Datastream, and the quarrel like the siblings they are. She gets frustrated with her lack of commitment and loyalty in her system, but comes in time to learn and understand why she feels this way. Cat becomes almost like Mouse's shadow, but feels open to express Mouse's faults while doing so. Cat feels that it's her duty to keep Mouse's ego in check. She can be jealous of her at times, mostly due to her sister's superior talents.

  • Ray: She approves of Ray as a suitable boyfriend for her older sister, and thinks that he's really cool. Ray teaches her how to surf, and she feels at ease when she's around him.

  • Hexadecimal and Megabyte: She never met Megabyte, but heard a great deal about him. He seemed to her to be much like the Melissa Virus, which meant to her that he must be pretty awful. She doesn't like him because of this. Hex, though, she met a few times, and thought she was one of the coolest people in existence. She admires her power, and finds her chaotic nature appealing.

Fics featuring this character: I haven't finished, written and/or posted any of them. I will eventually. But she is in 'The Comic', which can be found on my site, at:

Is author willing to 'loan out' character to other writers?: Maybe - I'll have to talk with whoever wants to borrow her.

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